Monday, September 12, 2011

Can not choose, can not be selected again.

Now earlier, I washed the cushion in the washing machine.
Chatter drunk is like dumplings Manmaru ~ Well!
~ Wu 洗Enai Yappari of over Shobo Hey I'm not.

The guy I used cotton content from many years ago.
I wash the cover it well ~ What I 洗Enai content
What can wash all write?

From a customer service guy for MUJI
I asked the toots your
What can be hand-washing and dry cleaning,'m over its

Wu, buy washable polyester content of the unavoidable.
Is because dogs are always on the cushion in the living room.

Oh, playing with a cushion of laundry this morning before Memorial
Videos uploaded by Piezouno male dog.

Sateto, go to the station in Yokohama Rinko tea now
Over why they pay tax at a bank

Videos uploaded to YouTube Koch ↓

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