Monday, April 20, 2009

Let's always have small change.

Does saying action "It is suddenly happy" on the weekend cross the head, and shop in the do-it-yourself store loved ..[yossha].. as it is though went strolling of dogs after it returns yesterday?It ..[tte] dog.. took it.

Awareness [tanoyo] ! at moment thought to be row in [de] and cash register
[Aa;]. Isn't there well-heeled?!
[Shobo] [n] ‥

Saying ..possession.. : money at any time though it rides the crest and acting is also good ..the desire...
Though it always has small change ‥ [Shobo] [n].
It returned while spottily talking to dogs.

The neck doesn't turn, and back [hapiki] [-] is done this morning. whether had a sprain while asleepTattered [fu] - ..kitten it..
piezou+pietà Roomette of love

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