Thursday, October 22, 2009

I am not defeated at it. Uooooooo

As it is ‥ Do [aa;] as it is?It thinks of [tte], and it is a machine from that ..doing.. , to the gym and running [tawayo].

It comes, and the running rolling up of ..earliness for the motorcycle for ten minutes and 15 minutes.. [aru] for 15 minutes.
Falling that encounters and did yoga of , Wii Fit for 30 minutes ・・.
Well for the time being like this because it is [hisashi] Hisashi.

[N]?It sweated slightly and it was pleasant. 。
However, it is hated to run ‥ It understands what to be happy neither or to run.

However, I wanted to run however yesterday.

[Aa;]?It is Friday today.
And, [daa;] on the weekend?[Yattaa;].

piezou+pietà Roomette of love
File Exchange and Backup Service KD-Server

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