Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I want to go to the planetarium for the time being.

A tiny [i] star could do nothing but be gradual though the sky was seen in the evening.
If you are not an after all dark place, do not you see ‥?

The star on a green island incidently is ..[sugokattana] [-] (eyes that see the distance) each other.. ?. Do not it exist to be near the place where starry sky is beautiful is where in Japan?

It had borrowed in 100 yen rental so often yesterday.
It challenged DVD dieting in four dances.
Was it a good sweat though was not Billy it or it existed.

Jazz, funk, Latin, and ballet [desa] , [iyaa;]. It is an appearance at which even I can laugh.

↓ It is this DVD. It encounters and there is , animation, too.デニス・オースティンのファット・バーニング・4ダンス・ダイエット-DVD-デニス・オースティン/dp/B002AR5O6Q

●piezou+pietà Roomette of love
●File Exchange and Backup Service KD-Server

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