Thursday, August 13, 2009

It got drunk and would be the mood ‥.

It was a red belly rolling knit in the waiting each other lobby in the clinic yesterday.
It will not be thought it is every rolling its belly ‥.
[Temada] is not completed as it hesitates how to do height.

It returns to one's own dwelling around 2:00PM.
The beer was drunk in about two weeks.
Though it is a can of 350ml ‥
Now ..the drunken man... terrible
It felt sick very much and it slept.

It is [utoha] ..drunken man.. ! by 35 cans. [Fuu;]?・・

Does the constitution change for a moment?
It is cooling and is [kyukyu] and very impossibility [kanaa;] conditioning about [uu;ko] ‥.

Now ..unpleasant.. until [de] and the night.
It ..pale face [shi].. slept without eating dinner.
piezou+pietà Roomette of love

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