Monday, November 16, 2009

It rides the crest of wave.

This ‥ These several months
It will have ..aunt.. face somehow, and it is near today about which it was anxious for a long time.
It went to experience Nautilus room.

Because it is special
Gym → studio program → pool was experienced.
[N]?Swimming after all is good ‥.

However, in daytime
‥ It is not likely to go every day surely.

[Ru-shi-datton] was done for the first time like the said yoga so often.
It became easy to learn ..making fun.. [kata] by experience by the movement of the scapula.

However ‥,
Though it thought of aunts because it sees
The enjoyment is found after all at the drop of a hat and [naitonattesa] . in vigour.

It is I and changing [kanaitona] [-] [ttesa] . though time passes only by a similar thing every day.

However, I think that the [tto] flow returns recently.
piezou+pietà Roomette of love
File Exchange and Backup Service KD-Server

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