Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It is defeated at the cold or is [uo;].


Because there is auto manufacturer [nopa] [chi] (Though it is not [pa] [chi] in reality) at the hotel on the [uu;] discernment day, it waits in the lounge at the hotel and tea is [goi] of ..becoming empty.. [-] enjoyment [nishitetanonii;]. ・・

..saying.. [-] and with hesitancy
It goes to otolaryngology after it goes to the usual clinic and the nose and throat [nipu] are stabbed abruptly today.
..[de].. afterwards, it goes to cut the hair.

[Uu;]?It is yell and [base] ..blown off.. [-] [uo;] [] as for the cold.

An aspect of ..encounter.. , aspect last day in dogs' strolls
Waited and it looked forward because it sat for a moment in the park where the sea was seen ‥.

[De] and male dog [piezou] are the translations to which it happily walked in the rustle as usual in the grass in the park because it is loved to enter the grassy place.
When [piezou] ..[desa].. is seen ..blown off.., it is a black ..little by little.. [ga] when the face mesne.
What?Think..see..light..hair on the chest..black..gradually.

However, [-n] ‥.
It sits, and in this, it is not possible to wait, and it returns ahead of time and eruptive [butsubutsu] of wanting flushing.

[Tawayo] like the deer in Nara Park ..turning one's face away.. when pointing one's camera at thinking of [desa] and the dirty face in photograph [to].

Possession ‥

●piezou+pietà Roomette of love
●File Exchange and Backup Service KD-Server

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