Thursday, February 17, 2011

Homeless cat in Yokohama

[Fu] , [fufufufufu] -
It is a Nola cat from that to Yokohama, and [hamanora] [dawayo] so yesterday. [Fuffuu;]?♪ [aa;] shopping easiness [shikattanaa;]?‥ Is it happy only to buy the little one?..girl.. [ufu] after all.

So「[Hauu;]?[Uu;uu]?」‥ - of wanting coming after all to have thought of bladder [panpandaro] surely because it had not borrowed the porcelain before it slept of yesterday

When it puts out from [de] and [kure-to] and the bedroom door is opened
Well. It is [masshiguradawayo] in the rest room. nervous of hips
And, I was not able to sleep until about five o'clock afterwards ‥ [Fuu;].

- This Web information of today: Did you end by finally 53/375 Chapters 1?

●piezou+pietà Roomette of love
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