Sunday, January 10, 2010

It enjoys it.

[Fufufu] -
[Ufu] to [yuzawaya] of Kamata to which it has gone.
A variety of ? ..making..[Tto].

This day just so often
Do you want to meet ‥ wanting meet a nostalgic person by someone ..wanting meet.. ..[i]..?There is a report from the acquaintance who lives in Omori next to the cod and Kamata Station thinking of [tte] by chance and tea [shitanoda] in Omori to the return of [yuzawaya].
[Iyaa;]?It is the fulfilled one if it wishes.

Though it is a man by about 70 years old
[Iyaa;]?It lived freely as usual and [te] easiness instigating ‥ Well, it seemed to be after all energetic and above all.

And, for the past several days
Moreover, on a roll : to the flow.

It is ? ..the enjoyment anyway... [Tto].

●piezou+pietà Roomette of love
●File Exchange and Backup Service KD-Server

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