Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Staying after a long time. ♪


..‥.. spottily ..increasing [teru].. spottily with steady steps why though Billy ran incidentally afterwards because he was this morning ..the dog-walking.. ..the person sweat...

[Uu;] ‥ Defeat [rukaa;]
It is not Sharp as for this round face and it makes it to [kao].

Is it an acrylic fiber of the transparency that seem to be able to use the encounter though the transparent sheet that had been said on , aspect aspect last day was said to purchase in the do-it-yourself store?
The glass did not sell and : ‥ [Muu;]?Let's think for a moment.

It is the future food [tto] today.
Do you go to friend's house of the university to play to Odawara by staying?
[Burii;] after a long time?

●piezou+pietà Roomette of love
●File Exchange and Backup Service KD-Server

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